About Me

I live in the suburbs of South West London Running was always part of my life when growing up, but it dwindled to nothing after I completed my first London Marathon in 1996 and soon afterwards found myself pregnant with our first child. 3 more children later and the huge stress of looking after a very medically complicated child I found myself in my early forties feeling frumpy, sluggish and completely unmotivated. 

This was not what I wanted and not the role model I wanted to be for my children. So I dusted off my running shoes one cold January morning and hit the trails. the more I ran, the less stressed I became and I found it easier to cope with the ups and downs of my life as a Special Needs Mum. 

Little did I know how important fitness and exercise would become for me.  Late 2014, a few weeks after I had completed my first ultramarathon my husband Andy was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer.  He died a year later.  13 months after Andy's death our youngest daughter Daisy became very ill and on the 31 January she also died.  Running, Swimming and Cycling are my medicine, they are how I try and deal with the grief and the adjustment to my new life , as our family of six has become a family of four.

I want to show you that if I can do it, despite everything, then so can you.  I will hit 50 this year, I'm not a natural athlete, I'm time poor but I still find the time because I know the benefits of that wonderful endorphin high.

As someone once said to me - "if you want it enough you will make it happen, otherwise you will make an excuse"


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